Sunday 27 September 2009

Washington's R-71 updates. Posted: 23 September 2009

Polling, the 50's that neither lived nor died, and everyone's a victim

New poll! According to internal polling released yesterday by the Approve R-71 (the pro-gay side), they're up 51-45. That's a whole lot closer than earlier polling that suggested domestic partnerships were favored 66-33. The Seattle P-I speculated that the discrepancy is caused by the fact that the more recent polling screened for likely voters, which, in off-off-year elections (like Nov. 2009), is a smaller, more conservative pool. A big part of this election is going to come down to voter turnout, so if you live in Washington make sure everyone you know votes. Volunteer to take their mail-in ballots to the post office yourself if you have to.

I've heard of perpetual adolescents, but this is ridiculous. The homophobes aren't even being subtle about the fact that they base their politics on returning America to an Eisenhower Era that exists only in their fantasies:

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